I recommend Pasta from the Italian food Union to prepare pasta with the least possible energy dissipation
by Emiliano Sgambato (only 24 hours)
To dissipate energy and give our nostro contributes to the diminutive emissions of carbonic anhydride by contrasting the climatic changes even when the targets are quoting: do not drop the led stand-by access and close all the taps ‘automobile per i piccoli spostamenti. Even if the cibi dei cibi is capable of resparming and anchoring in pochi sanno that applying only simple rules to the preparation of the paste can also contribute to a significant resparm of the resource. If, for example, you need to recycle what you use to repair the piece, you will be “guadagnato” to get a part of the recharge for our smartphone. The double portion of the dispenser can be used exactly the same amount in relation to the paste.
A risparmio of samples
See all Italian ones that follow these volumes that spaghetti cuisine, in one year the espresso-driven spare part: the second one promotes the Italian Pasta of the Italian Food Union in the midst of the #PastaDiscovery project , almen gli stadio calcio per tutte le prossime 24 stagioni di Serie A, Premier League, Liga spagnola e Bundesliga ».
Le regole / 1 – Use the coperchio
The request – commissioned by Perfect Food Consulting , the company specializes in consulting for the viability in the agri-food sector – calculates the energy needed to cover 200 grams of pasta and pentola with a ratio of one liter of water to 100 grams of pasta and how much we need to spare, using the most accurately and sequentially accurately.
Do not use all of the waste: not only accelerate and accelerate the flow rate, but also increase the respiration rate to 6% of energy and CO2 equivalent emissions.
The rule / 2 – Use the right amount of water
Second, study the paste with 700 milliliters of water, then save 30% of water, save 13% of energy and CO2 emissions. Given the quantity that is present in all pastes in homogeneous mode without attachment and permeation allamide to the meglio layer with the condensate.
Rest assured that the hand is more skeptical (practicing only one Italian at 10, counting 90% of which the piece is in a phase of escalation), but assumes more sparse da Unione italiana food). Also try the ” passive cottage “: dopo i primi 2-4 minuti dal ritorno al bollore, la pasta “cuoce in modo indiretto”, a fuoco spento (e con coperchio per non dispperdere calore). «By this method – mixing and pasting – the dissipation of energy and CO2 emissions reaches a fine of 47% . With a median consumption of 23.5 kg per capita of pasta, every Italian arrives and resaps in a fine year of 44.6 chilowatter, 13.2 gallons of CO2 and 69 liters of water ».
Pronti a cambiare le abitudini?
What if we all face it? «The results were very interesting: we shared between 356 million and 2.6 billion cyclists in one year (first and foremost in Europe, compressing pieces), 4,100 m3 in water, enough to build 1,640 pools olympioniche e fino a 776 chilotonnellate di CO2e, le emissioni di una makchina per 21 viaggi andata-ritorno tra la Terra e il Sole ». Not to be outdone: secondly, 68% of the population is willing to change their housing needs to save environmental and economic resources.